Engineer Hipérides Macedo, from Ceará, an eminent professional, author of an interesting prose book on hydrology, state secretary of Water Resources in Ceará for more than once, was national secretary of Water Resources in Brasília around 2004. engineer named Archimedes. I was there just passing through on a courtesy visit and exchange of subjects, and also because Hipérides is great to talk to and you can always learn from him. We would go to dinner. After the end of the day, while Hiperides went to change clothes at the hotel. I was helping Arquimedes to finish writing a text. Meanwhile, the telephone in Hyperides' room was ringing incessantly. Finally Arquimedes decided to go answer the call because the other side was insistent, the bell on Hyperides' telephone was set at the highest possible tone and there was no one else on the floor... - Hello? - I wanted to talk to Hyperides. - He's not here, he's gone. - Who is talking? - It's Archimedes. - Funny guy. - Who's talking? - This is Pitágoras, you cunt. And slammed down the phone.
Miguel Fernández, consulting engineer, chronicler and columnist
Rio de Janeiro, published in ABES Bio Magazine n°84 Jul/Sep 2017, page 25.