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Lecture at the Engineering Club - Tariff Structures with cross-subsidies for water and sewage: pros and cons, truths and demagogues on November 6, 2019.
Speakers: Miguel Fernández y Fernández and Waldir Jesus de Araújo Lobão.
Video of the exact moment of the breach of the Brumadinho dam
Source: author unknown, 2019jan25.
Guandu History
Aqueduct of Segovia - Spain
Important Channels in the World
The water supply in the metropolitan area and the Taquaril project
Lecture by Eng. Miguel Fernández y Fernández on the 19th of October 2016 at the Clube de Engenharia
Colégio Aplicação da FNFi, depoimento Miguel Fernández nov2011
A Estrada de Ferro Rio d'Ouro
Reconstruindo os Vertedouros da Barragem de Oroville
Extravasor da barragem rio Lutete, Quizenga, Angola, funcionando
Extravasor da barragem rio Lutete, Quizenga, Angola, funcionando
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